Memorial Love
I find it troubling to concoct a suitable title for this post when so many notable things have occured in the past 24 hours. However, I find it most necessary to make known a warm "thanks" to my home community that is Memorial Presbyterian Church. By way of unsuspected emails, letters, cards, and a care-package, your encouragement and love has meant alot.
Now, onto what seriously comes close to the most incredibly amazing three hours of my life:
Jamie Cullum (w/ special guest Josh Ritter) live in Concert!!!

Now, onto what seriously comes close to the most incredibly amazing three hours of my life:
Jamie Cullum (w/ special guest Josh Ritter) live in Concert!!!

My story is consistent, but I just have no words to describe how stellar this guy is. I can't even categorize his music, he's so creative, talented, and ecclectic. I love the fact that he isn't a mainstream radio artist, yet so many people support and follow him; he appeals to many people, the most of whom I'd say are Urban, postmodern, single twentysomethings. I almost as if I were walking into a MPC church service, but once they security-searched me, started ID'ing for drink bracelets, and the loud rock background tracks played, I got over that feeling. While the Wynton Marsalis show was filled with musical genius beyond anybody's imagination, I still feel this show captured my appreciation more for how creative, various, imprompt, and hilarious the guy is (especially when he comes onstage grasping a Heineken and is tipsy for his first couple songs). I would definately go see him again, anytime, and feel this was a worthwhile purchase for $45.
However, the musical genius bombardment goes on. North Park University was privelaged to host Christian Lindberg for a trombone masterclass. Now, I'm no trombonist, but why would I ever pass up the opportunity to see one of the best trombone players in the world for free? Yes, this was an amazing show; he both played and instructed trombone students.
In other news, I hate cold sores.
However, the musical genius bombardment goes on. North Park University was privelaged to host Christian Lindberg for a trombone masterclass. Now, I'm no trombonist, but why would I ever pass up the opportunity to see one of the best trombone players in the world for free? Yes, this was an amazing show; he both played and instructed trombone students.
In other news, I hate cold sores.