Oh Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me...
After a dark, spirit-dampening, and demotivating first 3 class days of rain, God finally brought the sun out, and what a joy it was. On friday, my friends and I bolted out of the Hanson Hall practice rooms as fast as we could (after an amount of practice deemed appropriate) and made haste to the beloved "greenspace" for relaxation, frisbee, and socializing. It was tremendous.
Lovely Landscaping
Walking Paths

I've met so many people, that it makes me a little bit sad to not be able to hang out or be with all of them at the same time. I'm still finding out where my best fit is in terms of friendship group. Thankfully, I'm quite happy with the people I have met and spent time with thus far.
My friends Kassie, Scott, and Katie. The girls are twins. We have a blast together.

Speaking of blasts, today I spent 8 hours downtown at the Chicago Jazz Festival; it was a wonderfully beautiful day in Chicago. The music was great, the fellowship was great, the frisbee was great. The food was....acceptable. I stayed until the very end to hear Joe Lovano play, and it was so worth it. I can't easily get over how beautiful a day it was; truly a blessing. I probably spent a cumulative time period of 3 hours just laying down in a field, resting - it was so wonderful. I'm learning my way around Chicago much better, too.
Also, celebrating my 19th with friends, popcorn, and "Office Space" was fun as well. Tommorow, I check out Grace Chicago, for which I'm stoked. Also, Dave Brubeck is playing in the evening, so I might be returning to the Jazz Festival. I'll be sure to bring warm clothes this time.
Also, celebrating my 19th with friends, popcorn, and "Office Space" was fun as well. Tommorow, I check out Grace Chicago, for which I'm stoked. Also, Dave Brubeck is playing in the evening, so I might be returning to the Jazz Festival. I'll be sure to bring warm clothes this time.
At 1:49 PM,
sarah said…
ooh...sounds like fun.
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