Kosova Journal: Week 4, 21 July - 27 July
21 July
Today I visited Granit's family with the Valentines, Sam, and Vjollca [our translator]. This was a very enjoyable visit. Granit's grandfather talked the entire time; that's my only complaint. He spoke alot of his 45 years of teaching. Tim knew him from last year and was able to guide the conversation more by asking the right questions. This reminded me of the importance of writing our information down and remembering it for next time you/I visit. I was slightly distracted by the constraints of time - I was supposed to meet Noli and Bonita to go see his parents - but I was confined to my visit as the russian tea [qaj] hadn't finished cooking yet. This made for a fast-paced walked to the center where I found they they had already left, which made me glad. I would not have wanted them to wait for me. The Grandpa was only 68 and his 96-year old mother was still alive. Wow! [He was her primary care-provider].
Today I visited Granit's family with the Valentines, Sam, and Vjollca [our translator]. This was a very enjoyable visit. Granit's grandfather talked the entire time; that's my only complaint. He spoke alot of his 45 years of teaching. Tim knew him from last year and was able to guide the conversation more by asking the right questions. This reminded me of the importance of writing our information down and remembering it for next time you/I visit. I was slightly distracted by the constraints of time - I was supposed to meet Noli and Bonita to go see his parents - but I was confined to my visit as the russian tea [qaj] hadn't finished cooking yet. This made for a fast-paced walked to the center where I found they they had already left, which made me glad. I would not have wanted them to wait for me. The Grandpa was only 68 and his 96-year old mother was still alive. Wow! [He was her primary care-provider].